Sunday, June 23, 2024

FROM DAYS GONE BY July 23, 1926

 July 23,1926.

   The Citizens Bank of Kite opened for business again after being closed from Thursday to Monday afternoon. Financial  matters got the bank in somewhat an embarrasing condition for the time being and felt the bank should close to fix the problem. Interested parties went to work to better conditions and to re-establish confidence and restore loyalty to the bank. After reopening deposits came in good size and by Tuesday deposits and checks were circulating as usual. Kite needs and must have a bank. Whatever happened they vow it won't happen again.

    The Wrightsville banks show a strong condition, healthy and sound. Wrightsville has three good banks with combined resources of $818,104.77. The people are glad to see these institutions flourishing.

    County Agent Crow has been at Adrian helping its farmers market their big stem Jerseys and other early kind of potatoes. He reports a good crop with fair prices for them. he is also helping combat the pests in the cotton crop and disease in the hogs. Mr. Will Tom Smith, a prosperous farmer of up near Harrison, brought the newspaper a mighty fine specimen of a watermelon.

    Capt. Wright and his road-building force are now making a lot of good roads around Scott and Adrian and between Wrightsville and these two towns he is making a first class highway. He is headed to Meeks and Kite next.

    For several weeks now Pastor T. M. Luke has been doing a round of general repair work on the inside, outside and roof of the Methodist church. Paint has been applied where needed, newly made over windows arrived this week from Atlanta. These are being put back in there places. Quite a sum has been expended in doing this job and the preacher has put out a lot of hard work on it.

    Bill Hall has filed for divorce from Josey Collins Hall on account she has left the state. Mr. & Mrs. Ben Roy Spell, Jr. announce the birth of a fine daughter on July 19th.

    Miss Pauline Claxton, daughter of Judge & Mrs. Chas. L. Claxton of Kite and Mr. Carnage Harrison, son of Clerk & Mrs. Green B. Harrison of Wrightsville were married last Thursday at the home of Elder Jesse Johnston. After the wedding they honeymooned to Savannah. They will make their home in Wrightsville.

    Willie Copeland, white boy, the son of Mr. Lee Copeland of the eastern part of the county, became unbalanced in his mind and was jailed. A legal hearing was held over his condition and he was pronounced a subject for the state asylum at Milledgeville. Sheriff Claxton carried him there. He was a pitiful being and his condition brought much sympathy. The Sheriff said he was uncontrolable at times and acted dangerously to himself and others.

    Mr. M. H. Rachels, 72, died last Thursday morning from paralysis at the home of his son, G. W. Rachels. His wife, three daughters and four sons survive him. He was a native of Hancock County moving here about 46 years ago. He was buried at New Home.

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