Sunday, June 23, 2024

FROM DAYS GONE BY July 16, 1926

 July 16, 1926.

    The early morning train on the W. & T. had a very bad wreck a mile beyond Harrison Monday morning. Two coal cars and three box cars were derailed, caused by a defective part on one of the coal cars. No one was injured. The passengers got a small jar or shake but that was all. The engine and coaches remained on the tracks. Wrightsville was without mail Monday but the tracks were repaired and everything was back on schedule Tuesday.

    A group of young men left for Camp McClellan for army training. They were Lewis Garrard, Wilbur Douglas, Hugh Bedingfield, Harry Rowland, Prince Hodgson, Annos Martin, C. D. Prescott, Hubert Orr and Vailard Blount.

    Mr. & Mrs. R. L. Stephens have sailed from Savannah to Baltimore to northern markets for their fall line of goods. T. L. & S. R. Martin who have a big saw mill business is moving their mill to a point near Spann. Mr. M. T. Riner of Meeks is now a candidate for State Representative.

    The other banks released their statement of condition. The Farmers Bank, $145,231.06; Citizens Bank of Kite, $137,851.27; Bank of Adrian, $98,820.45; Exchange Bank, $364,140.19.

    J. H. Rowland, T. L. Martin, E. J. Sumner and G. C. Rowland filed a petition for a Charter for the B. & B. Lumber Company for a period of 20 years. Capital stock to be $10,000 with the option to increase to $25,000. J. Roy Rowland is the attorney for the petitioners.

    Mayor R. R. Martin gives the public notice that it is now unlawful for any person owning or controlling a dog of any kind or sex to be allowed to run at large on the streets of Wrightsville during the months of May, June, July, August and September each year unless the dog is muzzled on account of these months rabies is prominent in these animals.

    Mr. Lewis Webb died at his home from a two week fever. He is survived by his wife and one child, father, mother, brother and three sisters. He was 26 and a successful farmer. He was buried in the family cemetery.

    Mr. Alvah McAfee died in a government hospital in Washington City last Sunday being sick about a week. His father, RFD carrier E. J. McAfee was notified Monday morning and wired authorities to ship the young man home. He was just 22. He was buried in Westview.

    Lee Wright, colored, jailed a week ago on a whiskey and pistol charge plead guilty to both and was fined $50 for each case and put on parole for eight months.

    Anna Tarver, colored woman, was jailed Saturday night by Sheriff Claxton from a raid on her house in the quarters. They found 16 quarts of shine all hid away between the ceiling and weather boarding under a window. Suspicion was drawn to the house by the number of visitors around.

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