Thursday, March 29, 2012

From Days Gone By March 27, 1913

March 27, 1913.
   Mr. C. M. Franklin, a former resident of Wrightsville, whose home is now near Midville, had a fearful experience when he was marooned on an island in the Ogeechee swamp. He left last Tuesday to hunt some swine in the Ogeechee River and in crossing the swollen stream in a small boat, he ran on a snag, capsizing the boat and throwing himself into the stream. He swam to a very small island, where he remained from Tuesday noon to Thursday afternoon, being old and unable to battle the water across to the banks and to safety.
   All night Tuesday, all day and night on rainy Wednesday and up to Thursday afternoon the old man had to bear the weather and untold agony of pain, uneasiness and hunger. He called for help as long as he could, but no assistance came, until his family spread the news of the old man's disappearance and a searching party was organized.
   Boats were secured and after a long search he was found by two men of the party, Messre. Jordan and Coleman. He heard them splashing in the water coming his way, but he was unable to make any noise. His movements were discovered and he was taken home. His friends and family had almost given him up for dead. He is recovering slowly. This experience of lone, weary suffering in the cold rain without coat, shoes or hat which he had to shed to be able to swim to the island, will likely render him an invalid for the balance of his days.
    Warthen College's Fair of last Thursday night netted $40 for the college fund. A rally will be held tonight at the Vivola Theatre where Dr. T. D. Ellis, Chairman of the Board of Education of the South Georgia Conference will have something of vital interest to share with all Wrightsville citizens.
   Mrs. J. Jordan, a trained nurse from Rawlings Sanitarium is here nursing Mrs. Charles Claxton whi is real sick. Mrs. W. L. Walker was called to Tarrytown by the critical illness of her daughter, Mrs. Luther McCrary. Out at Cedar Grove we learn that Master Lawson Beecham is quite sick and Mr. Seaborn Wilson is now out and about after a several week illness.
   A large, handsome daughter came to the home of Mr. & Mrs. H. C. Moore on March 12th, and Homer is now wearing a big smile. Mr. & Mrs. Robert Griner of Dover, announce the birth of a daughter on the 10th, Rev. & Mrs. Griner are happy over another granddaughter. Mr. & Mrs. Jackson Wilson have the distinction of being the grandparents of two Woodrow Wilson's, as two of their sons, Messers. W. E. and M. D. Wilson, both have little Woodrow's, named after our Hon. President.
   On Wednesday evening March 19th, at the brides parents home, Miss Bertha Bray and Mr. C. H. Martin were married by Rev. E. L. Wainwright. It was a quiet wedding with only immediate family. She is the attractive daughter of Hon. & Mrs. C. T. Bray and graduated Warthen College.
   "Teddy" the little pug dog of Mr. E. A. Lovett was atta ked with rabies last week and was immediately killed. Mr. Lovett says his dog with one or two others was bitten by the large bulldog of Mr. A. D. Flanders, which had hydrophobia and was also killed.
    Coca-Cola and all other kinds of soft drinks on ice, can be had on Sundays at the Busy Bee Resturant.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

From Days Gone By March 20,1913

March 20, 1913.
   "The Parents and Teachers Improvement Club", which has been serving dinner at the court house this week, have been most successful: The proceeds from which will go to improving the college grounds. The Mount Vernon Sunday School Convention will be held this month at Bay Springs Church. Rev. Walter Anthony of Bainbridge, is now in Macon, assisting Dr. Ainsworth in the revival at the Mulberry Street church. The protracted meeting recently at the methodist church by pastor, Rev. J. B. Griner, assisted by Rev. J. C. G. Brooks, president of Warthen College closed with good results. Received into the church, 23 by profession and 8 by letter. Last year there was an addition of 54 members, and this year 41, making a total of 95 accessions to the church.
   The March term of superior court is now in session with Judge Hawkins presiding and Solicitor General E. L. Stephens at his post. Only two cases have been disposed of and they were divorce cases. J. J. L. Outlaw, City Collector says his street tax books are now open and will close the 10th of April. Get busy before that date and settle, else you will find trouble and expense.
   The Kennedy house has recently had a brand new roof put on and other improvements around the premises. William T. Pournell is remodeling and enlarging his vacant cottage adjoining his home on Railroad Avenue and when completed he will have a nice home for rent. Buster Brown and his dog Tige has been the biggest attraction in town this week.. This distinguished pair were guests at Hayes Bros. store and the school children in a body went to see them.
   Mrs. Braddy is recovering from her operation at the Herman-Evans Sanitarium in Sandersville. Mr. Julian Price of Lee County attended court here this week. He is a former citizen of ours. Dr. J. M. Page, prominent banker and citizen of Dublin was here also and was also a former resident of Wrightsville.
   Rev. Jordan Norris will celebrate his 79th birthday on the 15th of April, providence permitting. The celebration will take place with a big dinner at Oaky Grove church on that day. "Uncle" Jordan has been preaching 35 years and says "The Lord has blessed his labors". He has received into the church about 500 persons.
   Like other sections of the state, the late heavy rains have seriously affected some of the farming lands in Johnson County. Roupy hens won't lay or pay. Prevent roup and cure the worst cases with Conkey's Roup Remedy. Now is the time for Conkey's White Diarrhea Remedy and Lice Powder. For sale by A. F. Flanders. Conkey's Poultry book is free for the asking.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

From Days Gone By March 13,1913

March 13, 1913.
   Several of the main streets of Wrightsville have recently been overhauled and improved considerably. The work has been done under the personal supervision of Chief Kitchens, and substantial and attractive improvements have been made. The business streets have been built up and throughly clayed and the good work is still in progress.
   C. L. Wilson, proprietor of the upper Elm street Tonsorial Parlors, was recently elected councilman to fill the place of former councilman B. F. Jordan, who resigned to return to his plantation. Mr. D. L. Williams, traveling salesman for a large tobacco firm at Winston Salem, N.C. will locate with his family in this city. They will occupy the Dunlap house on west Elm street. Mr. John Mayo and wife have moved to Macon where he has accepted a position with the Danneburg Company. Mr. & Mrs. E. S. Price have moved back to Kite where he will farm. Mrs. Claud McEntyre is now in the millinery business at Bartow.
   Mr. N. Braddy, the photographer is suffering from a severe attack of rheumatism and is not able to leave the house. He can't walk without crutches. Miss Wylanta Hicks has fallen and badly sprained her foot.
   Prof. and Mrs. Llewellyn of Dexter announced the birth of a daughter on March 8th. The ten pound little darling was named Adelaide Virginia. Mr. & Mrs. James L. Keen of Dublin announced the engagement of their daughter Essye Louise to Mr. John Bryan Haines of Wrightsville. Miss Keen's father is Ex-Senator. Mr. Haines is the only son of Dr. A. I. Haines, was a student of the State University and a farmer. He is the grandson of the late John B. Wright in honor of the city of Wrightsville was named.
   Miss Nannie Lou Johnson and Mr. Jno Otho Tanner were married last Sunday at Mason's Bridge, there beneath the canopy of heaven, sitting in an automobile with just some personal friends. She is daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ellis Johnson, Tanner is the eldest son of Mr. B. B. Tanner.
   The Johnson County Singing Convention will be held at New Home Baptist Church on the first Sunday in April. Coming the 18th to Hayes Brothers store will be Buster Brown and his dog Tige.
   "Bill Moore", this is the name of a celebrated stallion, and he will be on exhibition in Wrightsville several days, arriving about the 18th. This horse has a gilt-edge pedigree, which can be seen in the office at Tanner's stables. All farmers and others in the county are urged to come see this handsome thoroughbred horse.
   Hon. C. L. Meadows, Sr. celebrated his 70th birthday at his home on Durden Street in Vidalia. He has six sons and four daughters, others present were his sister, Aunt Martha Price of Pringle who was 69 years old.
   Mrs. J. T. Ferguson returned from a visit in Americus and while enroute from Vidalia to Americus on the Sea Board train, she attempted to walk about the coach while it wasn't moving, it suddenly moved throwing her across a seat in the car breaking three ribs on her right side.
   The Hon. Virgil Snell brought the finest head of cabbage seen in this section. It is of the early York and is a beauty, crisp and tender, well headed and weighed five pounds.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

From Days Gone By March 6, 1913

March 6, 1913.
   The Cottolene Baking Contest was held at Cox & Tanner's and was well attended by the ladies, several of whom entered the contest. The object of which was to demonstrate the shortening qualities of Cottolene, which is sold by this firm. The successful contestants were: 1st prize for best loaf cakes, Mrs. Elizabeth Trawick  and Mrs. Charlie Claxton, for best layer cakes, Mrs. J. L. Kent and Mrs. E. L. Stephens. The prize winning cakes were cut and sampled by all present.
   The clever Greek citizens have opened up thier "Candy Kitchen" in the rear of thier attractive and popular fruit stand on the southsaide, and are manufacturing daily, pure and unadultered homemade candy, in coconut, ground pea and chocolate.
   Mr. Elmore Hayes, proprietor of the Hayes Brothers store left for Baltimore and New York where he will purchase a large and handsome line of dry goods, shoes, clothing, notions, etc. All the latest fads for spring and summer. Mrs. Elmore Hayes has a valuable heirloom which for antiquity dates back to nearly 200 years. It is a hand carved silver thimble formerly the property of her great, great aunt, Miss Hannah Roberts, a Quaker preacher of Pennsylvania.
   The banks released their statements of the condition of the various banks. The Citizens Bank of Kite, $65,740.66; The Bank of Adrian, $44,516.43; The Scott Banking Company, $40,491.17.
   For one night only at the Vivola Theatre presents J. A. Coburn's Greatest Minstrels, presenting an all white company, new program. See the beautiful electric senic spectacle "Palace of the Golden Dragon". The show will also feature that Droll comedian Charlie E. Gano.
   Mrs. J. W. Johnson has been sick but is improving. Judge A. F. Daley was called to Atlanta to see his brother, Col. W. R. Daley who was operated on for appendecitis. Mrs. N. Braddy was operated on at Herman-Evans Sanitarium in Sandersville and is doing well.
   An interesting social event of the week in Scott was the marriage at the home of Rev. Kelley of Miss Alice Curl, daughter of Mr. S. L. Curl, to Mr. R. B. Simpson, a prominent Scott businessman.
   Mrs. Janette Tanner, wife of Mr. E. T. Tanner died at her home on Sunday morning March 2nd. She was a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John Wilkins. She was buried at Union Hill where she was a faithful member. She was about 32 years old and survived by her husband and one child, an infant.