Sunday, January 26, 2025

From Days Gone By March 4, 1929

 March 4, 1929.

    The County Board of Education was highly commended for their prompt action in hiring Miss Maggie Bethea as the County Home Demonstrator. For a dozen years she served in this position in Tatnall County. She is a native of Wilcox County. This position is believed to be an important one in helping our farmers and their wives and daughters. Miss Bethea has won distinction in this line of work several times and won a number of highly prized awards in this work.

    Congressman W. W. Larsen was appointed to the Agricultural Committee in Washington to handle farm relief legislation in the House. Prof. Linton Hutchinson received a check from the state treasurer for $12,000 to pay the local teachers salaries for February and March.

    Johnson County and the City of Wrightsville now have a new tractor apiece. They were just shipped in from Augusta by W. A. Neal & Son who sold them. The county obtained a Caterpillar 60 and the City got a Cat 20. They are the best on the market. The county purchased a new road machine to go with the tractor. The old tractors were a menace to a bank account and repair bills heaped high monthly.

    Mr. Henry G. Wheeler will turn 85 on March 16th. His wife is 78 and they have been married 61 years on March 5th. He was an old soldier of the sixties and the other veterans will join him for this big event.

    The Wrightsville High girls basketball team defeated the Cochran A & M College girls 45 to 23. Wrightsville's players are Florence Brinson, Carolyn Blount, Nannie Clair Hicks, Ruth Moye, Mamie Riner, Miriam Cook, Elizabeth Kent, Gertrude Delph, Estelle Clarke and Ethel Chester. Miss Ellmore Milton is the coach.

    Last week Mr. Bennie Wilson missed a lot of provisions from his saw mill kitchen and took out a search warrant for the meat, flour, tobacco, etc. that was stolen. The search was made in the Wrightsville quarters and were found at Dock Walker and Floyd May, two saw mill hands. They pled guilty and Judge Brinson gave them a straight sentence of 8 months on the chain gang.

    Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Meeks had a narrow escape returning from Florida. As they reached Moultrie, the gearing of the car locked and while frantically trying to turn the car Mr. Meeks tore the steering wheel off and the car headed on into a tree. Mr. Meeks had two fingers, knee and chest wounds. Mrs. Meeks had two bad cuts in the face and nearly broke an arm and leg.

    Georgia and the South has been hit by much rain in the last 10 days causing flooding of rivers, creeks and branches. Newton evacuated its whole town as the Flint River swelled. Montezuma, Milledgeville, Macon, Albany, Bainbridge, Cordele, Valdosta, Augusta and many others were hard hit by storms. Mr. Joe Preston of Duncan, Miss. died in the storms. He was a brother of Mrs. James Monroe Cook, Sr.

    In Johnson County heavy losses have been experienced. Most roads and bridges are washed out. Train No. 1 on the Central railroad did not run on account of washouts at Herndon and Wrightsville was without mail service for a day.

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