Sunday, January 26, 2025

From Days Gone By Feb. 25, 1929

 February 25, 1929.

    Vidalia will host the entire Twelfth District in high school basketball holding a tournament there on the 28th thru March 2nd. Sixteen teams of high schools will be represented. They include Perry, Alamo, Abbeville, Hawkinsville, Eastman, Fort Valley, Soperton, Jeffersonville, Chauncy, McRae, Emanuel County Institute, Adrian, Cochran, Wrightsville, Rochelle and Vidalia. Over 200 students and 2,000 spectators are expected to attend. Prof. J. W. Williams will accompany Wrightsville's team.

    Mayor J. M. Cook furnished paint to the home economics classes to paint the dormitory at the high school. Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Lovett, Elmer Daley and W. L. Thompson motored to Miami, Florida and attended the Young Stribling versus Jack Sharkey boxing match. Also attending were R. L. Stephens, Herbert T. Johnson, Harlie Fulford and Lewis L. Lovett.

    Sheriff W. D. Rowland will occupy the former room used by the sheriff in the courthouse as soon as it is made suitable. The ladies restroom is being re-arranged to the north side so it can have an outside entrance. Albert E. Clift is the newly elected president of the Central of Georgia Railway and Ocean Steamship Company.

    County Agent M. E. Crow held a successful poultry sale at Adrian where 12,010 pounds were sold for $3,101.50. The buyer was E. E. Eller Produce Company of Wilkesboro, North Carolina who shipped them to New York.

    Kite and the county are grieving at the passing of Mrs. Dr. D. C. Harrison who died at home February 19th from a short illness. Before marriage she was Miss Lula Webster of Washington County and had four children. She was a member of Kite Baptist and was buried next to her husband at Pleasant Hill near Pringle.

    On January 8th Mrs. Della Bush Evans died. She was born in Johnson County August 1, 1882, and married Mr. Lee A. Evans January 14, 1900 of Montgomery County. She joined Beulah Baptist at a young age but after marriage moved her membership to Bethel in Wheeler County where she was buried. She was survived by her husband, an aged mother, Mrs. Sallie Warren, sister Mrs. W. J. Chappell, brothers J. D. and H. T. Bush.

    On February 16th Miss Nellie Sammons wed Mr. Robert Powell at the home of the bride. She is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sammons. He is a son of Mr. Bob Powell.

    The harder the times the more petty thieving is going on. There has been numerous thefts around the community lately. A good lock and key don't stop some of it. If it keeps on you are going to have to set up a watch around to keep what little you have from running off.

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