Tuesday, January 28, 2025

From Days Gone By March 18, 1929

 March 18, 1929.

    The Wrightsville & Tennille No. 1 passenger train from Tennille to Dublin had a very bad wreck near Lovett Sunday morning. It carried a number of heavily loaded box cars loaded with fertilizers. Just as the train was rounding the long curve in front of the I. T. Jackson home this side of Lovett the derailment occured. Seven or eight box cars ploughed up the track for a long distance but the engine remained on the tracks as did the two passenger coaches in the rear. No one was hurt.

    It is believed that spreading rails caused by a wet road bed caused the derailment. All the available work hands rushed to the scene and began to clear the wreckage and getting the box cars back on the rails. By late Sunday night the tracks were cleared and train service resumed Monday morning.

    Wrightsville is planning a clean up date to have all the premises free of trash, cans, etc. and to fixup the trees, fences, yards, alleys, lawns, streets and vacant lots so no uncanny sights appear anywhere.

    Farm relief loans can be had soon according to L. E. White of Columbia, South Carolina who told Congressman Larsen that blanks should be out this week to the county committees. There will be $35,000 to $40,000 alloted to Johnson County and will be dished out according to actual relief.

    Farmers sold three car loads of hogs to the White Provison Company. The hogs sold for 9:61 for No 1s amounting to $4,413.35.

    The city authorities made an exchange with the machine people for a larger tractor. They exchanged the Catapillar 20 for a 30 which seems to work better for the citys needs.

    it was a rainy day, two ways, for darkies like John and Ethel Junior who were caught Friday at Scott by officers Carter and Smith. The pair entered town with a new automobile which belonged to a Griffin, Georgia man. Curious manuverings tipped the officers that something wasn't right. They were stopped and arrested for stealing the car. They were placed in the Wrightsville jail.

    The ladies ordered flower seeds from Hastings for the courthouse and beds were made around the square. Mr. James D. Bush donated 18 pruned pecan trees for the lawn.

    County Agent m. E. Crow moved from Wrightsville to the Tanner-Bullard plantation outside the city to the two-story residence of Mrs. Nana Tanner Bullard just south of town.

    Miss Geneva Powell and Mr. Dan McCoy, Jr. were married by Judge Gordon Sammons at Moore's Chapel. She is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Willie Powell and the groom is a young farmer of the Liberty Grove community.

From Days Gone By March 11, 1929

 March 11, 1929.

    All the ladies of the city, the PTA, and the Civic League are meeting with county officers to formulate a plan to beautify the courthouse lawn. Dr. J. W. Flanders, Ordinary, and School Supt. Linton Hutcheson have called the meeting. The Hastings Seed Company sent a list of flowers they have, and the cost will be paid by private funds.

    The Wrightsville Commercial Club held a meeting at the council chambers, the object is to offer a strong invitation to the Harvey S. Firestone Rubber Manufacturing Company to locate a branch of its plant in Johnson County. They also elected officers for the year. President, Mayor James M. Cook, Vice-President Dr. J. W. Brinson, Secretary C. D. Roundtree. Dr. Brinson and Mr. Roundtree and Dr. Bray were instructed to wire an invitation to Mr. Firestone of the City and County's many advantages, inducements and backing to come and investigate this locality. Mr. Firestone is expected to put a plant somewhere in the state or in the south.

    The Board of Trustees of the Wrightsville District High School met and elected every teacher on the faculty for another year. Heading the list was Supt. J. W. Williams. Under his leadership the school has made rapid strides. The Wrightsville High School is now the county high school and pupils may come to it from anywhere in the county. Williams is responsible for putting a modern Home Economics Dept. in and helped with consolodated school work. He and Supt. Hutcheson are working to put all county schools under one system.

    Grady Dixon, son of Mr. Cliff Dixon, was badly injured. He had his mule hitched to the buggy and when he untied the mule he threw the chain in the buggy. He had the lines and as he was climbing in the mule dashed off throwing Dixon against a tree fracturing his skull. Dr. Vickers attended him and he was sent to Claxton's Hospital in Dublin.

    Mr. W. D. Sumner was a heavy loser when fire broke out in his small barn and with his water tank low the flames spread to his larger barn and he lost both. He had no insurance and the loss was a large one. Judge J. C. Harrison lost his barn and contents earlier losing 100 bushels of corn, fodder and some seed. He was able to let his stock out saving them. Another fire started near the Keel Lumber Company's big saw and planer mill at what is known as the M. E. Cawthorne home where Mark Colbert lived. The wind was blowing west and saved the lumber plant. The mill kept running while the fire was being fought. The Colbert's saved most of the contents but the house was destroyed.

    Judge Camp ordered the postponement of the March Term of Superior Court. County-wide sentiment was to put it off on account of there was little business to be done at this time. The Judge said he could hardly go against the universal sentiment of the people.

    Wrightsville's basketball girls closed the season with only one loss, the championship game as Chauncy beat them 27 to 14. They had to settle for a second place trophy.

    In a general row Monday night in the home of Willie Screws when Tommie Screws and his sons, Gordon and Earnest, and one Pauline Phillips went to Willie's to get clothes worn by Phillips boy. There must have been some bad feelings in the Screws family for when they went to leave Willie started firing shots at the quartette, why is not clear. Earnest got a bullet threw the hand and his father, Tommie was hit in the chest lodging in his lung. His recovery is doubtful, another bullet grazed his nose. Tommie works on the farm of Carl Claxton just across Cedar Creek from town. Late Tuesday Earnest swore a warrant out for Willie Screws who works for County Agent Crow. Willie plead self-defense and tells a different story than Earnest.

Sunday, January 26, 2025

From Days Gone By March 4, 1929

 March 4, 1929.

    The County Board of Education was highly commended for their prompt action in hiring Miss Maggie Bethea as the County Home Demonstrator. For a dozen years she served in this position in Tatnall County. She is a native of Wilcox County. This position is believed to be an important one in helping our farmers and their wives and daughters. Miss Bethea has won distinction in this line of work several times and won a number of highly prized awards in this work.

    Congressman W. W. Larsen was appointed to the Agricultural Committee in Washington to handle farm relief legislation in the House. Prof. Linton Hutchinson received a check from the state treasurer for $12,000 to pay the local teachers salaries for February and March.

    Johnson County and the City of Wrightsville now have a new tractor apiece. They were just shipped in from Augusta by W. A. Neal & Son who sold them. The county obtained a Caterpillar 60 and the City got a Cat 20. They are the best on the market. The county purchased a new road machine to go with the tractor. The old tractors were a menace to a bank account and repair bills heaped high monthly.

    Mr. Henry G. Wheeler will turn 85 on March 16th. His wife is 78 and they have been married 61 years on March 5th. He was an old soldier of the sixties and the other veterans will join him for this big event.

    The Wrightsville High girls basketball team defeated the Cochran A & M College girls 45 to 23. Wrightsville's players are Florence Brinson, Carolyn Blount, Nannie Clair Hicks, Ruth Moye, Mamie Riner, Miriam Cook, Elizabeth Kent, Gertrude Delph, Estelle Clarke and Ethel Chester. Miss Ellmore Milton is the coach.

    Last week Mr. Bennie Wilson missed a lot of provisions from his saw mill kitchen and took out a search warrant for the meat, flour, tobacco, etc. that was stolen. The search was made in the Wrightsville quarters and were found at Dock Walker and Floyd May, two saw mill hands. They pled guilty and Judge Brinson gave them a straight sentence of 8 months on the chain gang.

    Mr. & Mrs. J. M. Meeks had a narrow escape returning from Florida. As they reached Moultrie, the gearing of the car locked and while frantically trying to turn the car Mr. Meeks tore the steering wheel off and the car headed on into a tree. Mr. Meeks had two fingers, knee and chest wounds. Mrs. Meeks had two bad cuts in the face and nearly broke an arm and leg.

    Georgia and the South has been hit by much rain in the last 10 days causing flooding of rivers, creeks and branches. Newton evacuated its whole town as the Flint River swelled. Montezuma, Milledgeville, Macon, Albany, Bainbridge, Cordele, Valdosta, Augusta and many others were hard hit by storms. Mr. Joe Preston of Duncan, Miss. died in the storms. He was a brother of Mrs. James Monroe Cook, Sr.

    In Johnson County heavy losses have been experienced. Most roads and bridges are washed out. Train No. 1 on the Central railroad did not run on account of washouts at Herndon and Wrightsville was without mail service for a day.

From Days Gone By Feb. 25, 1929

 February 25, 1929.

    Vidalia will host the entire Twelfth District in high school basketball holding a tournament there on the 28th thru March 2nd. Sixteen teams of high schools will be represented. They include Perry, Alamo, Abbeville, Hawkinsville, Eastman, Fort Valley, Soperton, Jeffersonville, Chauncy, McRae, Emanuel County Institute, Adrian, Cochran, Wrightsville, Rochelle and Vidalia. Over 200 students and 2,000 spectators are expected to attend. Prof. J. W. Williams will accompany Wrightsville's team.

    Mayor J. M. Cook furnished paint to the home economics classes to paint the dormitory at the high school. Mr. & Mrs. W. H. Lovett, Elmer Daley and W. L. Thompson motored to Miami, Florida and attended the Young Stribling versus Jack Sharkey boxing match. Also attending were R. L. Stephens, Herbert T. Johnson, Harlie Fulford and Lewis L. Lovett.

    Sheriff W. D. Rowland will occupy the former room used by the sheriff in the courthouse as soon as it is made suitable. The ladies restroom is being re-arranged to the north side so it can have an outside entrance. Albert E. Clift is the newly elected president of the Central of Georgia Railway and Ocean Steamship Company.

    County Agent M. E. Crow held a successful poultry sale at Adrian where 12,010 pounds were sold for $3,101.50. The buyer was E. E. Eller Produce Company of Wilkesboro, North Carolina who shipped them to New York.

    Kite and the county are grieving at the passing of Mrs. Dr. D. C. Harrison who died at home February 19th from a short illness. Before marriage she was Miss Lula Webster of Washington County and had four children. She was a member of Kite Baptist and was buried next to her husband at Pleasant Hill near Pringle.

    On January 8th Mrs. Della Bush Evans died. She was born in Johnson County August 1, 1882, and married Mr. Lee A. Evans January 14, 1900 of Montgomery County. She joined Beulah Baptist at a young age but after marriage moved her membership to Bethel in Wheeler County where she was buried. She was survived by her husband, an aged mother, Mrs. Sallie Warren, sister Mrs. W. J. Chappell, brothers J. D. and H. T. Bush.

    On February 16th Miss Nellie Sammons wed Mr. Robert Powell at the home of the bride. She is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Robert Sammons. He is a son of Mr. Bob Powell.

    The harder the times the more petty thieving is going on. There has been numerous thefts around the community lately. A good lock and key don't stop some of it. If it keeps on you are going to have to set up a watch around to keep what little you have from running off.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

From Days Gone By Feb. 18, 1929

 February 18, 1929.

    A near-serious accident occured eight miles east of Wrightsville in the New Home community. Silas L. Powell, a rural mail carrier, was passing the home of Morgan Beasley and as he was swapping pistols with Mr. Beasley's 24 year old son, Harvey Beasley, the latter's pistol as he was trying to unbreach it it went off, the bullet deflected off of something and struck young Beasley in the side of his head. He was rushed to town to Doctor's Johnson and Bray who removed the bullet, it not having entered the skull.

    Freeman Hattaway, the 15 year old son of Mrs. Essie Hattaway, living four miles from Wrightsville, with a neighbor, Woodrow Spell, went hunting with their guns and dog along. They were hunting rabbit back off the Dublin highway. Freeman got up on a stump looking over the situation standing the gun up beside him on the ground. When he went to pick it up it fired off putting a full load of shot throughout the lower part of his body. He fell off the stump, walked a little ways by himself, then needed assistance. He was rushed to Dublin and lingered for about 24 hours then died. He was buried at Pleasant Grove. The pallbearers were his classmates Fred Brantley, Paul Doke, Beverly Kennedy, Ward Pool, Woodrow Spell and Carey mallette.

    The Wrightsville Athletic Club beat Bartow 38 to 21. Lovett again was the high scorer. Next Wrightsville plays the undefeated Tarrytown team here on the local court.

    Mrs. Arlie Powell died on February 6th at Piney Mount. She was a daughter of Mr. W. H. Black and was 19 years old. Mrs. Jonathan E. Parker died January 19th. She was born May 29, 1855, a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ephrom Hightower. She married in September 1880. She was a Methodist and left five children, Mrs. D. O. Young, Mrs. M. E. Parker, Mrs. J. M. Parker and Mr. V. H. Parker, one brother J. M. Hightower. Mrs. James T. Mitchell died from pneumonia and was buried in the Anthony Cemetery. She leaves a father, three brothers, a sister and her husband.

    The market report was released by the Georgia Department of Agriculture for wholesale farm products. Eggs 38 cent; butter- table 40 cent per pound cooking 30 cent per pound; hogs 9 1/4 cent pound No. 1 corn fed; hens, heavy 25 cent light 22 cent pound; staggs 23 cent; roosters 15 cent; fryers 40 cent; turkeys 30 cent; corn $1.20 bushel slipped shuck $1.25 shelled in sacks.

From Days Gone By Feb. 11, 1929

 February 11, 1929.

    Wrightsville has two strong, safe and sound banks. They have strong stockholders who have placed a line of bankers who have a nack at safe, conservative banking business, yet elastic enough to make banking with them attractive.

    The Exchange Bank has for its president, Dr. P. B. Bedingfield, vice-presidents  W. H. Lovett and Elmer Daley who is also cashier along with G. E. and R. E. Fulford assistant cashiers. The directors are P. B. Bedingfield, W. H. Lovett, E. E. Daley, J. T. Fulford, U. R. Jenkins, W. L. Thompson and Charles T. Bray.

    The Bank of Wrightsville president is J. H. Rowland, vice-president Leon A. Lovett, cashier Robert L. Kent, assistant cashier Herbert T. Johnson and teller Mrs. Frank Price. The board of directors are Robert L. Kent, J. H. Rowland, A. F. Flanders, L. A. Lovett, L. Mosley, W. H. Lovett, W. L. Thompson, C. H. Lovett and L. L. Lovett.

    Mr. Harvey Spell has been appointed Bailiff for the 1201st district. He joins Bailiff Jim Tapley to serve this district. Col. W. C. Brinson was appointed by Governor Hardman to fill the term of the late Judge B. B. Blount in City Court. This will be the first court session for the new Sheriff, Willis D. Rowland.

    Mr. W. H. Lovett is home from the hospital after suffering the flu. Col. J. Roy Rowland is still in the Atlanta Hospital suffering from influenza. Mr. & Mrs. Quergeon Martin had a daughter on February 2nd.

    The Mercer Glee and Instrument Clubs are coming to Wrightsville to perform at the auditorium. Mr. J. H. Mills of Meeks is appointed a Special Deputy Game Warden for this district. Mr. H. B. Linder files for bankruptcy.

    Friday night the Athletic Club of Dublin played the Wrightsville Club on the local court. Wrightsville won 61 to 17. T. L. Lovett led the onslaught with 31 points to his credit.

    Dr, A. F. Flanders secures an exclusive five year franchise for the scientific new formula, Sargon, by Sargon Labratories. Its a medicine of great power for women and men with stomach, liver and bowel troubles. It also relieves constipation, indigestion, dyspepsia, headaches, shortness of breath, loss of appetite and many other symptoms. After ten years of research it can only be obtained in Wrightsville from A. F. Flanders Drug Store.

    Judge Will N. Stokes and Miss Ziphie Mason were wed at the home of Mr. & Mrs. Mellie Brantley. She is a daughter of Mr. Henry Mason. They are from the western part of the county. Miss Ruth Maddox wed Mr. Louie Frost on January 30th at the home of Rev. Frank Sumner. She is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. D. B. Maddox of near Brewton. He is a son of Mr. & Mrs. E. R. Frost of Wrightsville. Miss Bertice Burrow of Beaumont, Texas wed Mr. M. Pendleton Crowe of Wrightsville. He is a son of County Agent M. E. Crowe.

    Mrs. Sallie Kent Brantley died at her daughter's, Mrs. Johnson in Brunswick. She was near 79. She was a half sister of Judge John Luther Kent, Cashier Robert L. Kent, Mr. Gordon Kent and Mrs. R. H. Lord. Her first marriage was to Mr. Henry Kight and they had four children. Her second marriage was to a Brantley. She was Primitive Baptist and was buried in the Kent Cemetery on the E. W. Tanner place.

From Days Gone By Feb. 4, 1929

 February 4, 1929.

    Kite has been visited by a lot of petty thieving lately. In one night some miscreant made a wide sweep in thefts of automobile owners, taking spare tires, tubes, tools and the like. Among the victims were Rev. W. F. Chambers, Tom J. Powell, C. M. Norris and Earnest Claxton. Stealing gas seemed to be popular also.

    Fire broke out in the barn of Mr. Mack Wheeler at the former Schwalls residence destroying the barn and all its contents. Later a Chrysler touring car was set ablaze in a garage next to Bee Line filling station. A short time after this the post office was set afire but was saved.

    A costly accident happened to Mr. Lovett Claxton when he lost a team of good mules by a tree falling on them in Cedar swamp near the city. Mrs. George W. Gannon is assisting Ordinary W. J. Flanders in his office. Mr. Lonnie Maddox, well known tonsorial artist, has returned to the city again to make his home.

    The local basketball boys and girls won their games against Wadley. The boys won 32 to 9 and the girls won 60 to 4. The Athletic Clubs of Wrightsville lost to Cochran 18 to 13. They played Sandersville four games and won two of them.

    The Mayor had a big court, the fines ran over $150. Mayor Cook and Policeman Crawford and Mayo are doing what they can to subdue crime in the city. Sheriff Willis D. Rowland and his deputies are busy getting ready for February City Court. There are 35 to 40 civil suits been filed this term. Judge Camp of Superior Court attacked the present day worship of sports at the expense of intellectual ideals and set up a terrific charge against fire insurance companies, declaring their methods to be unethical.

    Mr. Bennett Claxton, farmer for Charles S. Claxton on his Adrian plantation is a lucky farmer of 1928 for his efforts in corn production. He received state-wide recognition netting him prizes amounting to $400. He won $200 on the five acre corn production for the South Georgia Lowlands at 85:11 bushels per acre for a profit of $271.20. He won the grand prize for lowland in the state. In the first Georgia Egg Show, J. B. Greenway, a son of Gordon Greenway won the grand prize on eggs shown by Club Boys.

    The final ginnings of the state up to January 16th from the 1928 cotton crop was 4,546 bales against 8,236 bales for 1927. Peanut growers may get a substantial benefit from the increase in the tariff on peanuts. It is estimated that the increased charges on imports by President Coolidge will result in an advance of at least one cent per pound in the market for unshelled peanuts and two cents for shelled.

    On January 23rd, Mr. J. E. Lillard and Miss Linnie Mae Caneega were married at her father's, Mr. H. H. Caneega. The groom is a son of Mr. & Mrs. L. L. Lillard.

    Emerging gently from a case of the flu one feels like he has a lot to be thankful for, the main thing being he is still in the land of the living. Already 1929 has seen the extinction of many a druggest's pill.

Friday, January 3, 2025

From Days Gone By Jan. 28, 1929

 January 28, 1929.

    Some unknown lad, with air rifle deliberately shot out the big street light in the middle of town, western style. The policemen are now keeping a close watch for this sort of mischief. C. D. Roundtree states that certificates must be filed according to the vital statistics law. Before a body is buried a death certificate must be filed and a burial permit obtained. Offenders will be dealt with as the law directs.

    The Senior Class of Wrightsville High this year are Elizabeth Kent, Gertrude Delph, Virginia McWhorter, Caralyn Blount, Frances Crawford, Annette Downs, Mabel Hall, Mamie Riner, Nancy Rowland, Florence Brinson, Rosamond Prescott, Emily Moye, Elmer Peddy, Brown Davis, William Bedingfield, and Herbert Jackson.

    Col. W. M. Shurling is selling homemade meat, killed from his own pens. He has more than 7,000 pounds all cured up and ready for market. He has hams, shoulders, sides, ribs, backbones, heads, jowls and on down to the chitterlings.

    Henry Page and Willie Bush, two white men of the county were charged in a warrant for house breaking. Mrs. Josephine Heath is the prosecutor. The defendants gave bond to Sheriff Rowland for them to appear in February court.

    Johnson County has three students enrolled this year in the Georgia Normal College at Statesboro. They are Miss Pauline Burke, Miss Stella Vanlandingham and Mr. Wilbur Roundtree.

    Many people are still afflicted and ill from the influenza epidemic and numorous citizens have died. But it seems to have made its rounds with fewer cases being reported.

    On January 16th Mr. Charlie Melton Schwalls, 57, of Kite died at his home from a second attack of paralysis. He was a member of the Advent Church and was buried in the Wheeler cemetery. He is survived by his last marriage and four children by his first marriage. Also sixteen grandchildren, four brothers and five sisters.

    Mrs. Clora Ann Mason, wife of John W. Mason of Wrightsville was buried at Piney Mount church. She was 81. She died at her daughter's, Mrs. Barney Flanders. She was a daughter of the late Elijah and Mary Carter of this county.

    Mrs. Sarah Ann Parker, 75, died at her daughter's, Mrs. D. O. Young from a complication of troubles. Three sons and two daughters survive her. She was a member of the Methodist church and was buried in Westview.

    Professor Andrew J. M. Robinson died January 23rd at his home. He was 76 and lived here about forty years coming from Miliner, Georgia. He taught school in most sections of this county and was County School Commissioner for two terms. He was survived by his children, Miss Lena Robinson, Jack J. Robinson, Mrs. Eddie Price, Mrs. Sable Russ and Mrs. Alice Calhoun. A sister, Miss Lizzie Robinson. He was a Methodist and was buried in Westview.

From Days Gone By Jan. 21, 1929

 January 21, 1929.

    The Wrightsville High School opened for the spring term. Very few students were absent in spite of the flu wave which is running rampant through this section causing much sickness and death. No family has been left untouched. Mr. Henry Harrison Hutcheson, 87, died on Wednesday January 9th and his wife, Eliza Jane Odum, died the next day, both from influenza. Henry was a Confederate veteran in Company G, 32nd Georgia Infantry. They were from Adrian and were buried at the same time at the Hutcheson-Hall-Durden cemetery.

    Mrs. Sarah Ann Elizabeth Flanders, 63, wife of Mr. Frank F. Flanders, died at her home on the 9th from influenza. She was a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. John A. McAfee and was married for 47 years and a member of Arline's Chapel Methodist. She was survived by four brothers, J. K., J. T., E. J., and Miller. One sister, Mrs. W. M. Williford, three children, Rev. Pompeii Flanders, Mrs. C. C. Wheeler and Mrs. W. C. Brantley, Jr. She was buried in Westview.

    Mr. Linton Durden of Adrian died on January 4th and was survived by his wife and two children. He was the assistant postmaster at Adrian. He was buried at Norristown.

    The Wrightsville City Council met and set their committees for the year. Judge Hatcher is city attorney, Emory Rowland, city clerk, Elmer Daley, city treasurer. The room over the post office was rented for the City Hall. The committees are Street and Lane - J. A. Hall and H. G. Hatcher; Police - Hatcher, Brinson and Cook; City Property - Brinson and Roundtree; Buildings - Roundtree and Brinson; Light and Water - Brinson and Sheppard; Purchasing - Roundtree and Brinson; Finance - Hatcher and Bray; Board of Health - Dr. Bray, Dr. Brantley, C. M. Sheppard. Will J. Crawford is Chief of Police and Garland Mayo is the night policeman.

    Col. W. C. Brinson was appointed by Governor L. G. Hardman to fill the judgeship caused by the death of Judge B. B. Blount. For the time being, Solicitor J. Eugene Cook will take the place of Solicitor J. Roy Rowland as Chief Prosecutor of the City Court due to the sickness of Rowland.

    Dr. A. M. Roundtree left Adrian for Thomaston to continue his practice of medicine. For 35 years he served the Adrian community. He started way back on horseback, carrying his medicine in saddlebags, then a top buggy pulled by a nag or a sulkey. The people sure hated to lose him.

    The poultry sale held last week amounted to 9,879 pounds sold to the Tennessee Egg Company. This netted the farmers $2,360.03. County Agent Crow has 1,000 bushels of good cotton seed from northeast Georgia for planting. It's the Piedmont Cleveland and Cokers Super No. 5, all seed one year from the originator. The cost will be $1.27 per bushel.

    Mr. Sidney Smith moved to Decatur where he will engage in the poultry, truck and stock-raising business. Mr. Wesley Brinson is attending Georgia Tech. Mr. Tom J. Powell of Kite is still selling mules for low prices. Tennille High School defeated the local basketball team here 37 to 20.

    Miss Theo Fort and Mr. Mac M. Oglesby were married at the bride's home in Dublin on December 29th. She is a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. T. N. Fort of Dublin. She is Johnson's Home Demonstration Agent. Mr. Oglesby is with the Standard Oil Company.