Wednesday, September 11, 2024

From Days Gone By Oct. 1, 1926

 October 1, 1926.

    Johnson Superior Court recessed late Friday until the 2nd Monday in December. Most of the business is of a criminal nature, several cases left for trial. The most important criminal trial was that of Sidney Lamp, who alledgedly killed Clifton Powell on September 8th. The case took up a day and a half, was closely contested on both sides.

    Solicitor Fred Kea and Judge J. L. Kent prosecuted the case and was defended by Col. C. S. Claxton and E. L. Stephens. The case went to the jury who deliberated a little more than an hour, rendering guilty and recomended a life sentence. The Judge obliged. Lamp's attorneys are applying for a new trial.

    Dr. J. S. Martin is now the veternarian living in the Dickens House and operating out of I. R. Tanner's stables. Senator Wm. J. Harris, senior senator from Georgia in the U. S. Congress paid the county a visit this week. The run-off primary for Governor between Dr. L. G. Hardman and John N. Holder will be October 6th.

    Miss Georgia Hood, of here, and Mr. William R. Hutchins of Atlanta were married the 25th at the Methodist church in Wrightsville. He is a machinist at a shop here.

    Two cars had a head-on collision Sunday night near the store of Willie Parker out west of town. One car driven by William Pournell with Misses Cleo and Bessie Price, Vivian Johnson and Earnest Martin as passengers started for their homes. After only a mile or two from Mr. J. C. Cave's house they met a car driven by young William Oliver, Benton Raley was with him. Each auto running 30 to 35 miles per hour, by some manner hit head-on. Miss Cleo had brusies and cuts on her face and neck. Pournell broke a rib, Raley a bruised hip, the others just minor scratches.

    The paper asked for names of citizens 75 and over that still lived here. The names submitted were Mrs. F. A. Bass, 84; James L. Hatcher, 76; Henry Wheeler, 82; Drew Loyd, 81; Mrs. Julia Loyd, 84; Mrs. Laura Moye, 75; B. Y. Wheeler, 79; Miss Elsie Hammock, 75; Mrs. M. C. Thompson, 79; Mrs. Josiah Stokes, 78; Mrs. Anna R. Shurling, 83; Mrs. E. L. Martin, 78; James L. Miller, 79; James B. Clements, 76; W. H. Black, 75; W. H. A. J. Thompson, 77; Mrs. P. J. Walker, 76; John R. Rowland, 76; H. C. Mason, 80; Mrs. Thos Carter, 75; K. H. Robertson, 79; Mrs. W. T. Pournell, 78; B. L. W. Garnto, 77; J. F. Elton, 76; Mrs. Lizzie Trawick, 77; Mrs. Liza Forbes, 79; Mrs. Jas. L. Miller, 79.

    A sad shock came Tuesday morning when Mrs. M. E. Crow died at her home. Her husband is the county agent. She was 52, born and reared in Cochran. They had two daughters Audie B. and Nancy; two sons, W. W. and Pendleton Crow. Three brothers and two sisters also survive her. She was buried at Westview.


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