Thursday, August 29, 2024

From Days Gone By Sept. 10, 1926

 September 10, 1926.

    The Wrightsville High School opened its 1926-27 session under bright prospects. The auditorium was full of children and parents to listen to talks from three ministers, Revs. Luke, Hodges and Rhodes, Col. C. S. Claxton and Mayor R. R. Martin of the Board of Trustees. Prof. J. H. Forbis exposed his only rule, "Do Right". A PTA group will also be strong this year.

    Ordinary U. R. Jenkins paid out the veterans pensions of $2,350 of which $50 for each veteran was paid. Mr. Jefferson Tyson attended a Delco Light dealers convention in Ashville, N. C. Mr. Herbert T. Johnson is going to Wilson, N. C. to work in a bank. Mrs. R. B. Bryan, Sr. celebrated her 70th birthday. Judge W. J. Smith of Scott, while on the way home came upon a large gater lying in the road, the nearby creek was overflowing from the recent heavy rains and he had crawled to the high ground. Smith and his young son roped him and carried it home and fenced him in for keeps.

    Warden Wright is still busy with road building around Adrian and Scott. The main road from Wrightsville to each place is in very good shape. He will head towards Meeks and Kite next.

    Mr. Willis D. Rowland, while in Dublin in his freight truck had an accident. He was trying to crank an auto when his right arm was hit by the crank and broken. While enroute to their home in Atlanta, Walter and James M. Bryan had an accident at Montrose, when a colored girl ran out in front of their car so quick she was hit and dangerously hurt. The auto turned over trying to miss her pinning Jim beneath it. They were freed and along with the girl taken to the local clinic. The Bryan brothers told the doctors to spare no expense in saving her life.

    Miss Alma Sumner of Spann, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. D. Sumner, wed Mr. James O. Barnes, Jr. of Dublin. Miss Rubye Smith, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. R. E. Smith, wed Mr. Robert William Young, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Schley Moore had a son born September 4th.

    A big land deal has Kite's interest as a proposed development of the land adjoining the Bee Line Springs. Options have been secured by the American Land Co. of Greensboro, N. C. and propose to subdivide into residential and camp site lots. They also secured parcels in the city of Kite. Bee Line Springs has attracted attention as far west as Ohio and Indiana. Kite has a good business this year with many dwellings under construction. The Springs are very popular with water so clear and cool, with fine fishing and hunting so near, it is a year-round resort as this investor is taking advantadge of.

    Mr. Benjamin Powell, 78, died at his home in the eastern part of the county after a 6 months illness. He was twice married. His second wife, six boys and three girls, one sister, Mrs. J. C. Wiggins, one brother, Lorenzi Powell, survived him. His funeral was at Powell's Chapel.

    Mrs. George Carter of near Scott died at the family home. She was 70, her husband, three daughters, one son, sister, Mrs. John A. Douglas, Sr., two brothers, W. A. & Milledge Odom. She was buried at Carter's Chapel.

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