Monday, May 20, 2024

FROM DAYS GONE BY June 25, 1926

 June 25, 1926.

    The voters of Johnson County in the next three months will have to decide who will fill some very important offices. All state house offices are up in the September 18th primary. A congressman for the 12th district, and a State Senator for the 16th district are up for grabs. Johnson will elect a representative for the 1927-28 term. No one has announced yet for Solicitor of City Court.

    The local Board of Trustees of the Wrightsville school district are contemplating the selection of Prof. J. H. Forbis of Smithville school for superintendent for 1926-27.

    The former President of the State Senate, George H. Carswell of Irwinton is a candidate for Governor. Chairman Charles D. Roundtree is calling a meeting of the Johnson County Democratic Executive Committee.

    Judge John S. Adams of Dublin has been named referee in bankruptcy for the Federal Court in the new Dublin Division of the Southeastern District. All bankruptcy cases in Johnson County will now go to Dublin instead of Augusta.

    The Kite Consolidated School vs The County Board of Education, mandamus, was heard by Judge Camp in Dublin. A general demurrur filed by Attornys Claxton & Stephens for the Kite school was sustained, the mandamus being denied. The case will now go to the Supreme Court.

    The Royal Arch Masons session will be held today at the Anderson Lodge. Mrs. C. S. Claxton with her group of G A and R A's of Brown Memorial tented at the Bee Line Springs last week, going down Monday and returning Friday afternoon.

    Work on all the new industries for this city is still going fast. The new planer outfit of J. H. Rowland, the new electric ginnery and cotton warehouse of W. H. Lovett and the new electric gin of the Farmers Gin Company will all be finished shortly.

    Little Harry Tharpe, young son of Mr. & Mrs. J. T. Tharpe was hurt when the mule he was driving hitched to a loaded wagon ran away and he fell off to the ground, the wheel running over his leg but no bones were broken. Mr. & Mrs. C. W. Evans of Wrightsville announce the engagement of their daughter, Mattie Sue to Mr. Robert Lee Carter of Scott.

    Friday afternoon was lucky time for the hunting and capturing of illicit whiskey making. The Gin Branch up on the Tarbutton place was captured. Officers Carl Claxton and Willie Rowland aided by officers Nath Whittaker and Irwin Smith of Washington County, they found the outfit in full operation. Tom Pug Wright and his son, Duncan, were the operators. When officers closed in they ran, Duncan was captured but Tom Pug kept running. A couple of gallons of shine were on hand and a full still running hot. The whole business was brought to town. Enroute to town they ran into a bunch of coloreds drinking along the road and one was caught with shine out in the open.

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