Saturday, January 5, 2019

From Days Gone By Jan. 8, 1921

January 8, 1921.
    Mr. J. Mack Sumner died in a Dublin hospital late Thursday from internal injuries received that afternoon when his auto and the W. & T. Passenger train No. 3, bound for Dublin, came together at the Snell Bridge crossing between Brewton and Dublin, within 5 miles of Dublin. Mr. Sumner had been to Dublin on business and was returning home when his car and the engine collided.
    He was alone. Driving slowly, with all his curtains up, he apparently did not think of the oncoming train, according to witnesses who were there waiting for it to go by, but drove ahead until he reached the track, when the auto and the engone came together, the car striking the engine between the tender and the firebox, cutting the connection pipe between the boiler and the water tank.
    The motor was driven backwards toward the front seat of the auto and the steering wheel caught Mr. Sumner in the breast hitting him a terrific blow, internally injuring him to the extent that he passed out late Thursday night. Coming this way this crossing is a somewhat a dangerous one, a cluster of pines hiding the view up the track. He was badly bruised about the face and body.
    The remains were brought to his home at his brother's place Friday and intered Saturday on the hill at the family burying grounds with a huge crowd of sympathizers. He was born April 10, 1874 and was 46 years old. Mr. E. J. Sumner, his brother, with his aged mother and four children survived him. Dr. W. J. Flanders conducted the service.
    The only serious accident during the whole time Christmas was a fatal one that occured Friday night, New Year's eve, in the express office when a pistol in the hands of Willie Parker fired and hit one Zach Christian, colored, killing him instantly. It was purely accidental according to Mr. F. W. Hall, county treasurer, the only eye witness. The bullet passed through the boy's head and knocked Mr. Hall's hat off. The accident was deeply deplored here.
    While engaged with Mr. H. H. Caneega and his son, Brinson, Tuesday morning pulling stumps, Cleveland Daniel suffered an injury to his left leg from a break in the lever to the puller. Dr. Brinson treated him.
    The Dublin District Preacher's Institute met in Wrightsville with 27 pastors attending. Mr. & Mrs. Warren B. Stoney of Pontiac, Michigan announced the birth of a 9 pound son on December 31st. Mrs. R. H. Smith was called to Linton upon the death of her aged father.
    Miss Maude Ethel Smith of Wrightsville, and Mr. Zachery T. Wester of Pennsylvania were married December 29th in Dublin. The bride is the daughter of Mr. & Mrs. E. L. Smith. Mr. Wester is formally from Hawkinsville. Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Drake daughter, Essie Mae, wed Grady V. Fort of Lovett on December 26th.
    Miss Vallie Robinson married Mr. Hoyt Montgomery of Hapeville, Georgia. She is a daughter of Mrs. V. B. Robinson. Miss Wille Graham, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. W. E. Graham of McRae married Hon. J. H. Rowland.

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