Friday, March 2, 2018

FROM DAYS GONE BY Feb. 20, 1920

February 20, 1920.

The new Farm Burearu has been organizing community councils. Community councils are being encouraged for every district in the county. So far those communities that have organized their councils are Greenway, Minton, Kite and Meeks. Mr. Henry Heath has purchased a line of groceries and opened up for business in the brick store just vacated by The Southern Grocery Company. Mr. J. H. Hardison of the Hardison Cox Lumber Company has moved to Lovett where he will have his planning mill.
The Fair Association established here 18 months ago have made great strides. With no fair grounds or buildings the first fair had to be held on the streets and vacant lots, tents being used to house the various exhibits. The people of the town and county responded liberally with their patronage, with the result that the 1918 fair was a success. For the 1919 fair the association had purchased grounds and had put up a floral hall, machinery buildings, cattle barns and other buildings. Then another successful fair was held, and now at the beginning of 1920 the officers are jubilant over the outlook of this year's fair.
All of the present buildings are to be enlarged, and plans have been submitted for a large amphitheater to accommodate 5,000 people. Also a complete amusement program. The fair officers are J. H. Rowland, R. L. Kent and C. D. Roundtree.
Now the choolboy of 14 winters who can compose within himself the best, nicest essay on the life of George Washington, stands a fine chance of winning season tickets to the fair this fall. The Wrightsville Headlight will buy a season ticket that last everyday of the fair and furnish one ticket to each and every attraction within the inclosure, good for one entrance only, as prize for this composition. The essay must be under 300 words and be in the Headlight's possession before March 10th. Care must be taken in spelling, punctuation, neatness and composition.
Roscoe Peacock, a bright young man from Eastman will run for Congress against incumbent W. W. Larson. Hon. Ernest L. Stephens announced his bid for re-election as Solicitor-General. So far he is opposed by Col. S. Parker New and Col. Fred Kea. It looks like Judge Luther Kent will have no opposition. Mr. R. A. Green exhibited a curio of an egg. It was shaped more like a gourd with a handle to it than anything else.
The street leading to Westview has been in bad shape for years. A lot of people come into town from this direction and everytime there is a death the travel is enormous. It is the most traveled through fare in the city and the citizens are urging the city to keep it first class. The R. F. D. carriers are having a bad time of it because of the recent bad weather on all six routes. The carriers would be greatful if the county would work the roads more often. Miss Mary Arnold and Col. H. T. Hicks were married tonight at the Methodist parsonage. Miss Arnold is a daughter of Rev. & Mrs. W. E. Arnold.
W. H. Little, his wife and child are all dead, and their deaths lie on the books of the district registrar only a short period apart. Ten days ago their little child was burned to death at the home of its grandparents where the family was visiting. Last Friday the father died of influenza and his death was followed Sunday by the mother from the same cause. Two other children had died around Christmas time. Mr. Little was a son of Mr. W. K. Little who lives out west from the city.

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