Monday, November 27, 2017

FROM DAYS GONE BY November 21, 1919

November 21, 1919.

On the 12th of this month the Meeks family and all of their large family connections met at Lide, 3 miles east of Kite, and celebrated their 100th anniversary of life in south Georgia. Hon. I. S. Woods, Representative of Emanuel County was master of ceremonies. At 10 am the 1000 or more assembled in front of the residence occupied by Mr. Bascus Meeks and a very interesting program was carried out.
Rev. Meeks of Coffee County led prayer. Dr. W. J. Flanders of Wrightsville spoke of their history in Georgia for the past 100 years since they came to the state. The ancestors came from North Carolina in 1819. All of those present that day had much cause and felt it of being part of such noble ancestry.
Hon. John N. Holder, Speaker of the House of Representatives and candidate for Governor spoke at length. He made a hit with those present who had come from 13 counties in the state. The family made an agreement to have such a homecoming annually. There was so much food they could have served 1000 more.
The City of Wrightsville's primary will be December 1st. Citizens met to elect an Executive Committee that was composed of A. L. Hatcher, R. R. Douglas, T. V. Kent, W. M. Shurling and J. W. Brinson. Candidates must qualify by November 28th. Candidates for Mayor were assessed $5 each and $1 each for councilmen candidates. So far Dr. T. L. Harris and Mr. J. M. Hightower have paid the Mayor fees.
Mr. Joseph Kersey of Kite recited the benefits he derived from having his hogs treated with the Cholera serum. The 26 in pens were treated by Dr. Sheftall and all were saved. The 14 in the pasture were not treated and all died. This shows the value of the treatment and it only cost him the price of the serum.
Last week there were 46 cases disposed of in some way or another. This was criminal business. There were 42 verdicts and pleas of guilty and only 4 acquittals. The city appointed Mr. Bobie T. Henderson as Chief of Police as Chief J. L. Tapely has resigned to run for Sheriff.
Speaking of the Sheriffs race Mr. James E. Glisson announces. He is from Spann. Mr. Jonah L. Davis, son of ex-sheriff Lewis Davis is squarely in the race. Mr. Reuben Douglas is considerd likely to enter the race also, and Mr. Charles M. Schwalls of Kite is being urged to run, also Mr. Lovett J. Claxton has entered the race.
Born to Clerk and Mrs. Joe B. Williams on Wednesday November 5th was a fine little daughter. J. L. Harrison will sell at the home of the late J. W. Harrison, deceased, all of the personal property, consisting of mules, horses, cows, hogs, wagons, buggies, corn, fodder, farming implements and many other articles for cash only.
Mr. T. M. Hankins of Sandersville, who is an expert on growing peanuts will speak to the farmers of Johnson County in front of Hall Brothers store. Seed peanuts are very scarce and must be obtained at once if farmers go into this.
Miss Bertie Brantley, daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph E. Brantley of Wrightsville, and Mr. A. J. Thigpen of Adrian were married November 2nd. Mrs. Lena Brantley Davis of near Wrightsville and Mr. Benjamin Neal of Summit were married at Brantley's Chapel also on November 2nd. Mr. Amos Hadden, born here but moved to Denton, Georgia died on October 28th and was buried near Broxton, Ga. His wife is a sister to Messrs. J. L. and W. D. Hatcher of this county. He had three sons and 5 daughters. Mr. W. D. Hatcher's daughter Mrs. Lovett Price died at the sanitarium in Swainsboro.

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