Friday, October 27, 2017

FROM DAYS GONE BY Oct. 24, 1919

October 24, 1919.

The following is an editorial by editor C. D. Roundtree of the Headlight and Johnson County News, entitled, "The Boll Weevil End Of It."
All of 1918 the editor of this newspaper carried the message of thrift and economy to the people of Johnson, preaching its eternal doctrine of saving and making in every nook, corner, dale, hill and valley to all of the people alike and declaring to them the wisdom of it all. He found some so unkind as to criticize him unnesscarily for his persistency and earnestness but that didn't shake him loose from anything and the work went on uninterruptedly to a very appreciable extent. War Stamps and Liberty Bonds were spoken from every stump in the county; gasoline, daylight and night time were used unstintedly; sleep was lost and inclement weather braved. What was accomplished?
Men, women and children bought, though many of them reluctantly, until the war was over and carried them home for a rainy day, never dreaming at the time that the rainy day would come so soon and dressed in such raiment as to make sackcloth and ashes of our own money crop before a second winter came. He took the campaign through and now what about it?
Those who need have relief at hand if they have the stamps and bonds and many are they who have fallen to them for succor in this disatrious year and still more numerous will be those in the future to utilize the cash redeemed from stamps and bonds, money they had no earthly use for in 1918 but is now a most profitable friend in time of need. We begged them to buy then and we wish we had begged them harder for how much better off all would have been had they saved then. They had it to save then and haven't enough to hardly live on now, comparatively speaking. That is our predicament but the moral of it all is that when ever you practice thrift you are showing decency, self-control, self-respect, patriotism, love of family, that you are master of your own fate, the captain of your own soul.
Knowledge is power. It has been many centuries ago when the world discovered that knowledge is power, that to know means success, that to be learned begets everything good and noble and true and powerful. It is true in every phas of mankind and is as true today as when the sages of old sat in judgement on it.
This paragraph presages what we started out to say. That is to give your child an education at whatever cost required if it is in possible and within the child's grasp and reach. This 20th century time is certain to demand more of the rising generation in education than has ever been known before.
There are plenty of people right here in Johnson County who have a vision of what we are talking about. One of these told us here that he aimed to keep his sons in school if it took the coat off his back all of the time and he had it off at the time we were talking about it. He saw the vision and felt the need and the more pressing need of the future.
There are numerous others of the same caliber a this citizen and the country is proud of such men who are trying to make citizens of their children who will rise up and alled them blessed some day for throwing in their pathway this excellent opportunity of getting wisdom in this world. Knowledge is power. Give your child knowledge by letting him drink deep at its fountain and success and happiness will follow him all the days of his life."

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