Sunday, July 26, 2015

From Days Gone By July 21, 1917

July 21, 1917.
    Now that the National Guard is being called into the Regular Army, someone must step up to protect persons and property here at home. This is the reason Home Guards are being organized all across the country. The Home Guard consists of men too old and boys too young for military duty banding together to protect the home front. The government has approved this move and is furnishing the necessary supplies to be prepared. Too late to pray after the devil catches you.
    The city fathers seem bent on cleaning up a certain class of undesirables living in Wrightsville and the efforts are applauded. Certain drastic laws have been passed by the city and if more drastic ones are needed to rid the community of these pests will be done and enforced. They intend to make it so hot for them that they have to go to work or hunt other quarters.
    Ordinary J. C. Wiggins h called for an election on July 24th for the question of taxation for school purposes.The people seem to be in favor of this tax for the maintanence of the Wrightsville School District. This is a very important event in the history of the city's progress. Some of the heaviest taxpayers of the town are heavily in favor. Judge Kent gives it earnest co-operation with such heavy tax payers in favor of there is many reasons to believe the issue will carry.
    A call went out to all Johnson County farmers to band together and ask the Ordinary to help us get a County Demonstrator. All neighboring counties have one that goes from farm to farm helping to stamp out hog cholera and the cattle tick that is costing the county millions each year. The boll weevil is coming and he must be met economically and intelligently. They must have help to change from a cotton crop to a diversified crop, to build soils to conserve our corn, beans, peas and sorghum crops where now we only have dry corn and hay for winter feed. It is the agents duty to boost the boys and girls tomato, corn, pig and calf clubs because in a few years they will be farmers themselves. Petitions need to be signed if the county wants to move forward on a Demonstrator.
    Friday afternoon a strong gale passed across one portion of the county doing considerable damage in some sections. The worst as between Wrightsville and Kite where a few outhouses were unroofed and partly blown down and the road was impassable by uprooted trees.
    On Saturday evening about 7 pm Mr. Jim Glisson, constable of the Spann District, shot Mr. Hill Stallings in the leg, inflicting a painful but not a serious wound. Mr. Stallings had sworn out a warrant for a negro who had left owing him a considerable sum of money. The warrant was turned over to Mr. Glisson for service. He located the man near Bartow and arrested him. After his return Mr. Stallings decided he would pay the cost of the warrant but on learning the amount, which he thought too high, an argument ensued. Stallings advanced on Glisson in a threatening manner when he was shot. They met at Spann Sunday morning when the difficulty was renewed but they were separated before any more hurt was done.
    To the surprise of many was the marriage of Miss Beulah Drake and Mr. Henry T. Page. She is the daughter of Mr.& Mrs. M. T. Drake of Adrian. He is a son of Judge J. E. Page also of Adrian. They were married in a buggy and left immediately for Orianna to make their home there. On Friday about 11pm death called r. Daniel R. Smith. He had been in failing health for more than a year and was bedridden the last 12 days. He left a wife and two sons.

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