Saturday, February 14, 2015

From Days Gone By Feb. 10, 1917

Febuary 10, 1017.
    Right on the heels of three of the worst days the county has ever had came snow Sunday night riding in on a high gale which sent the bulb of the thermometer sizzing down to 10 below freezing point Monday morning. Thursday night the weather took a change from moderate warm to severe cold and Friday through Sunday was uncomfortable except by a fire. All of Georgia to the Florida line the snow fell. The water and light system of Wrightsville suffered with busted pipes and reservoirs with much loss.
    At the home of Mr. Ben Moye, when a large reservoir on back of the wood stove froze up, and when Mrs. Moye made a fire the heat created a steam with no escape and caused an explosion wrecking the stove completely. Panes of glass flew out and pieces of the stove scattered. One piece entered the window sill 8 - 10 inches deep. Mrs. Moye barely escaped injury except for the hot water scalding her eyes.
    Mr. W. C. Tompkins tells his cold storage tale that Sunday morning upon going out to the barn to feed his stock, he discovered a dead rat upon the outside water pipe, which was dead from freezing. He thinks while the rat was on the frozen pipe sipping water from an icicle it froze.
    The recent cold weather however will greatly help the fruit crop which signs show to be a bumper crop year. The boll weevil experts will be in Wrightsville and Kite on the 15th to speak to the farmers. There are some people in this county yet who do not really believe that there is any such thing as a boll weevil, and if there is, that it will not do any harm to amount to anything when it gets here. They think all these newspaper reports are printed for fun and to try to scare someone. The scare will come a year after the pest gets here. The scare is due about the time the man who planted all cotton tries to get something to eat on credit.
    The Johnson County Board of Education met Tuesday. It had been planned that the county would be able to run a six months' free school this year but only five months of funds are available. So the schools will close the first of April.
    Mrs. Elton, grandmother of Mr. Tom Elton died at Alamo. She was 92 years old. To everyone's surprise death came to Mr. Floyd Price. His death was from serious head trouble. He left a wife and one child. On the sick list this week from measles and other ailments are Mrs. Rome Lord, Miss Lena Russell, Mr. Willie Allen, and brother James, A. T. Clark, Miss Verrenia Powell, Postmaster R. P. Hicks, and the little son of Mr. Jesse Anderson. Mr. & Mrs. W. I. Renfroe have a new son.
    The Laurens County Grand Jury requested representatives to defeat any attempt to form James County at Adrian. Johnson County feels the same way as it would take too much territory from both counties.
    Miss Nettie Purvis and Mr. D. Gideon Smith of Scott were married at the Baptist parsonage in Wrightsville on Wednesday afternoon, Rev. J. Calla Midyett officiating.

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