Tuesday, December 17, 2013

From Days Gone By Dec. 17,1914

December 17, 1914.
    A farm house on the plantation of Dr. Bascom Anthony near Orianna was totally destroyed by fire last Saturday afternoon along with three bales of cotton and 150 bales of hay, stored in it. The flames had gained such headway before it became known, it was impossible to save any of the contents. The loss, estimated at $400 is total as he had no insurance and the origin of the fire remains unknown.
    There will be services at the new Brown Memorial Baptist church next Sunday at 11 am and 7 pm, also Sunday School at 3 pm. Rev. Buckholts will preach at both services. The dead oak trees around the church will be cut into firewood and sold Saturday at auction to the highest bidder for cash. Also the leftover building materials will be sold at 1pm. Sheriff Rowland will be auctioner.
    The Scott Banking Company released their statement of condition at the close of business December 4, total $44,366.94. A. L. Hatcher has been appointed Judge of the Wrightsville City Court to succeed J. L. Kent. Col. & Mrs. Russell Daley have moved to their home on West Elm street where they will do their housekeeping. Mrs. C. E. Brinson held a Parlor Recital at her home on West Elm for her music class.
    Rev. Reese Griffin, the newly appointed pastor of the Methodist church arrived this week from Nashville, Georgia and is settling in to the parsonage. At a recent meeting of the local board of trustees of Warthen College the resignation of Rev. J. C. G. Brooks as president of the college was accepted, and Rev. J. S. Campbell, vice-president was elected to the presidency.
    Mr. Elmo Hayes is improving from his illness of grippe. Mrs. L. J. Davis was called to the bedside of her father, Mr. Trawick who is very sick. While superintending the making of lard, Mrs. S. M. Johnson was painfully burned by the hot lard splashing in her face and on her hands.
    Married Wednesday morning near Scott, while sitting in an automobile, Miss Laura Bateman of Milledgeville and Mr. John W. Wilson. Mr. Scrap Carter, J.P. officiated. It was a "Gretna Green" affair. The bride is a boarding pupil of Warthen College and the groom is the son of Mr. Charles Wilson of Wrightsville.
    Dear Santa, I want you to bring me a toy automobile and a box of fire poppers and some roman candles and some nuts and fruit. Your friend, Hoke Jenkins.
    Dear Santa, I am a little girl four years old, and I live on North Marcus street. I want you to bring me a beautiful doll, one set of dishes, some toys, and fruit, nuts and candy. I hope I haven't asked for too much. Don't forget mamma and papa. Your friend, Sarah Jenkins.
    BOY LOST! $25.00 REWARD. A small boy, about the size of a man; barefooted, with his father's shoes on; had an empty bag on his back containing two railroad tunnels and a bundle of bung-holes. When last seen he was making towards Burns Bros. to get some of those Christmas Goods, Toys, etc. at prices that will tickle your palate. Big closing out of business sale still going on.

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