Thursday, August 4, 2011

From Days Gone By

August 8, 1912.
    The Johnson County Grand Jury adjourned from the March term of superior court and made their presentments and recomendations. They recommended adding to the pauper's list, and amount to be paid them monthly, John Jackson, $3; Calsey Spivey, $3; Henry Webb and family, $4; and Mrs. G. W. Loyd and children, $5.
   There exists in our county a heavy infection of hookworm disease, this menace is dependent on faulty sanitation and it is recomended that an appropriation of $100 to the Ordinary to help the State Board of Health rid our county of these sources of infection.
   It has come to the attention of the Grand Jury that a tax has been levied on all the property in the county for road purposes, including the property in the incorporated towns as well as out. The annual amount paid on property in the city limits of Wrightsville amounts to more than $1200 a year. As this money is used for the roads and the town has an equal property interest in the convicts and their labor, we direct that the Ordinary have the main thoroughfaires worked through all the incorporated towns in the county but to do no more than two roads each.
   Despite the continued hard rains there has been some good permanant work done on our roads. We know everything can't be done at once, but we highly recomend the road from Johnson's old mill to across the long branch, near the old mill site be bridged and recomend one be built. (Johnson's Bridge).
   Hon. S. L. Fortner appointed Notary Public and Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace of the 55th G. M. District and F. J. Williams be appointed same of the 1326 District.
   The plank fence around the jail has been torn down and a step ladder and other arrangements for easy access to the windows. It is recomended it be replaced and also a heavy wire screen be placed over all five windows of the jail, and the premises be cleaned up.
   Judging from the amount of criminal matters brought before them, there is an increase in crime in all sections of the county. There has been a rush for True Bills for almost all crimes on statute books, but few are of a terrible nature. They feel if the good citizens continue to press their demands for the arraignment of violators of the law, and our Judge continues to force the accused to trial and to place heavy fines and sentences on them, we will soon be relieved of a great deal of crime.
   Judge K. J. Hawkins was thanked for adjourning the court from June until now so the farmers could work their crops. The Solicitor General, Alfred Herrington is thanked for his impartiality in prosecuting offenders. The Grand Jury consisted of W. J. Flanders, Foreman; T. J. Brantley, M. A. Snell, O. V. Martin, J. W. Harrison, J. E. Brantley, Sr., E. W. Carter, T. S. Page, M. W. Williams, Z. W. Claxton, J. M. Smith, L. D. Downs, W. H. Harrison, B. G. Fortner, G. H. Prescott, W. B. Ivey, J. E. Clark, E. V. Hatcher, Henry Stephens, J. R. Flanders, W. J. Price, Isham Stephens, J. W. Vanlandingham.

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