Thursday, September 26, 2024

From Days Gone By Oct. 29, 1926

 October 29, 1926.

    Next Tuesday, November 2nd, will be the general election over the country. Ordinary U. R. Jenkins received the third quarter gasoline tax check for $1,157.00. New posts and new electric wires are being replaced over the down town area. The wiring is stripped and bare in some places making it dangerous. Col. Albon Hatcher, Wrightsville attorney, has carried his practice to Dublin and rented office space in the First National Bank building.

    The Johnson County Club Fair is in full progress with hundreds visiting each day. Friday is the school children's day. Agent Crow has money for 32 boys and girls who had exhibits at the various fairs around the state amounting to $811. The community fair at Adrian last Friday had a large attendance.

    Mr. & Mrs. Robert E. Smith of Wrightsville, announce the engagement of their daughter, Annie Myrtle, to Mr. Vivian Loyd Register of Dublin.

    On Tuesday night October 12th, Mrs. King Pool passed away at the home of her parents. She was sick only a few days but when the death messenger came she met the approach with that resignation that knoweth no tear or trembling. She leaves a husband and an 11 month old daughter, a mother, father, three sisters and four brothers. They are Mrs. B. G. Wilson, Mrs. T. J. Brown, Miss Perlie Mae Lindsey and Mr. C. M., W. A., C. F. and Grady Lindsey all of Wrightsville. She was a Sunday School teacher at the Christian church of Harrison but moved her letter to Cedar Grove. She was buried in Westview.

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