April 8, 1929.
Mr. Earnest Lee Harrison, a Johnson County son, lost his right hand in the operation of machinery in a machine shop in Elizabeth, New Jersey where he was employed in the shops of the Durant Motor Company. This according to his brother, Mr. Leonard W. Harrison.
The 15th annual session of the Association of County Commissioners of Georgia will be held in Augusta this month. Johnson County does not have a commission form of government but is run by the Ordinary W. J. Flanders, assisted by County Warden C. T. Wright. They will be attending for the county along with A. L. Hatcher and C. D. Roundtree.
Groceryman L. E. Parker is bringing to the city by truck a lot of Florida vegetables which he retails out of his store. He makes two trips a week, requiring a day and a half each trip. He travels from 52 to 100 miles below Jacksonville.
Ordinary W. J. Flanders is having some fine roads built around Donovan. Mr. Silas Price has gone to Gila Bend, Arizona, to work with the Southern Pacific Railroad. This is where his sister resides. They are children of Mr. & Mrs. D. C. Price. Mr. B. C. Weill says he will likely open Idylwild next week for the summer season. He has recently done a lot of work there.
A meeting of Johnson County farmers interested in poultry will be held at the court house on the 13th to organize a county Poultry Breeders Association. Its asked that each participating farmer should have at lest one hundred laying hens. In order to reach this goal, it is necessary to have an organization that will secure a paying egg market, good quality feed at a reasonable price and last and greatest benefit derived there from will be the systematic study of breeding, feeding and management in general of the flocks.
Much interest is being taken this year in farming and if the seasons strike our section right there is going to be a good crop made, all of which is encouraging. Farming is about all we hope to depend on in this territory now and their success brings prosperity to the people.