February 18, 1929.
A near-serious accident occured eight miles east of Wrightsville in the New Home community. Silas L. Powell, a rural mail carrier, was passing the home of Morgan Beasley and as he was swapping pistols with Mr. Beasley's 24 year old son, Harvey Beasley, the latter's pistol as he was trying to unbreach it it went off, the bullet deflected off of something and struck young Beasley in the side of his head. He was rushed to town to Doctor's Johnson and Bray who removed the bullet, it not having entered the skull.
Freeman Hattaway, the 15 year old son of Mrs. Essie Hattaway, living four miles from Wrightsville, with a neighbor, Woodrow Spell, went hunting with their guns and dog along. They were hunting rabbit back off the Dublin highway. Freeman got up on a stump looking over the situation standing the gun up beside him on the ground. When he went to pick it up it fired off putting a full load of shot throughout the lower part of his body. He fell off the stump, walked a little ways by himself, then needed assistance. He was rushed to Dublin and lingered for about 24 hours then died. He was buried at Pleasant Grove. The pallbearers were his classmates Fred Brantley, Paul Doke, Beverly Kennedy, Ward Pool, Woodrow Spell and Carey mallette.
The Wrightsville Athletic Club beat Bartow 38 to 21. Lovett again was the high scorer. Next Wrightsville plays the undefeated Tarrytown team here on the local court.
Mrs. Arlie Powell died on February 6th at Piney Mount. She was a daughter of Mr. W. H. Black and was 19 years old. Mrs. Jonathan E. Parker died January 19th. She was born May 29, 1855, a daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Ephrom Hightower. She married in September 1880. She was a Methodist and left five children, Mrs. D. O. Young, Mrs. M. E. Parker, Mrs. J. M. Parker and Mr. V. H. Parker, one brother J. M. Hightower. Mrs. James T. Mitchell died from pneumonia and was buried in the Anthony Cemetery. She leaves a father, three brothers, a sister and her husband.
The market report was released by the Georgia Department of Agriculture for wholesale farm products. Eggs 38 cent; butter- table 40 cent per pound cooking 30 cent per pound; hogs 9 1/4 cent pound No. 1 corn fed; hens, heavy 25 cent light 22 cent pound; staggs 23 cent; roosters 15 cent; fryers 40 cent; turkeys 30 cent; corn $1.20 bushel slipped shuck $1.25 shelled in sacks.